Heather Bussing is an employment attorney and the Editorial Advisory Board editor at HR Examiner. Heather has practiced employment and business law for over 20 years. She has represented employers, unions and employees in every aspect of employment and labor law including contract negotiations, discrimination and wage hour issues. She regularly advises companies on personnel policies and how to navigate employment discipline and termination issues.
Heather also practices in the areas of real estate, torts, construction and business law including business entity formation and corporate governance. Lately, she has been working on projects involving social media law and why companies should treat their employees differently. She also teaches legal research and writing, is an accomplished photographer and walks on the beach whenever she can.
Heather lives with her two sons and partner in Northern California. Heather can be reached at http://www.bussinglaw.com and heather.bussing at gmail dot com.
Read Heather’s posts on HRExaminer.com here.