William Tincup, SPHR
William Tincup lives outside the box, leaps naked emperors in a single bound, and knows all the words to Soul Rebel by Robert Nesta Marley.
William runs Tincup & Co, a firm that helps HR teams see things clearly, find solutions, and do great work.
He’s also one of the country’s leading thinkers on social media application for human resources, an expert on adoption of HR technology and damn fine marketer.
William has been blogging about HR related issues since 2007. He’s a contributing author for Fistful of Talent (www.fistfuloftalent.com) and also co-hosts a daily HR podcast called DriveThruHR (www.drivethruhr.com).
William Tincup is also one of the HR Examiner’s Top 100 Influencers in the HR and Recruiting Industry.
“It’s fair to say that there are not a lot of guys like this in the world of HR. William says that this is exactly what you want in a marketing consultant…out of the box and over the top. The thing is, when you dig just a little bit below the surface, you find the mind of a strategist.” – John Sumser
William Tincup, SPHR
CEO Tincup & Co.
william@tincup.com || www.tincup.com || +1.469.371.7050