Logo’s sorted by their intended use (most common first)

To use HRExaminer’s copyright logo artwork please right click on the image you want and choose the ‘Save as’ or ‘Save Image As’ option to save the file to your computer.

Description / UseDetails and LinkArtwork in Context

Most common, looks great, works great on most website designs, low file size (loads fast)

150 pixels by 150 pixels, High Resolution, white Background, JPG file (10k) here »
top 25 logo jpg

Good for sites with light gray (#ccc) color background.

150 pixels by 150 pixels, High Resolution, Clear Background, gray matte, JPG file (10k) here »

Good for sites with black (#000) color background.

150 pixels, High Resolution, Clear Background, black matte, JPG file (10k) here »

High Resolutions (loads slower) but good for sites with custom color backgrounds (e.g. light green).

150 pixels by 150 pixels, High Resolution, Clear Background, no matte, PNG file (28k) here »