Who Owns Data?

This is HRExaminer’s entire series on the concepts of ownership, data, and who owns data.

Who Owns Data 9: Why Ownership Doesn’t Matter

Ideas and facts are free. You have to actually do something more than just have an idea before there is any ownership or legal protection.

Who Owns Data 8: Trouble With Linkedin’s Lawsuit

Linkedin is trying to make money from public information by controlling how people use their site. Linkedin’s legal position has some problems.

Five Links: USA Regional Data

Topics: Data, HR Trends, HRExaminer, John Sumser, by John Sumser
If the great recession taught us anything, it’s that the national economy isn’t very national.

3 HR Metrics to Monitor Risk

The metrics that are tied to organizational strategy and risk are the ones that the C-Suite really cares about.

When Companies Stop Innovating

The way to tell when a company has stopped innovating is when it starts filing lawsuits to protect the status quo.

Quantified HR

Topics: Big Data, Data, HR Trends, HRExaminer, John Sumser, by John Sumser
HR will increasingly be a quantified sport. The core notion will be that the workplace needs to know you.

What To Do When Data Says You’re Wrong

As we rush into the era of data analytics, big data, and personal tracking devices every HR professional should be prepared to face data that contradicts their beliefs sooner or later.


Topics: Data, HRExaminer, John Sumser, by John Sumser
Data flows up to the cloud and enterprise but not always back to the user. The Hunite product takes all of the systems that are relevant to a user and presents them in a single user interface.

What HR Should Be Asking Part 2

What is becoming possible is so far beyond conventional definitions of analytics that you’ll miss the bus if that’s how you approach the problem.