A Tale of Two Cultures

Topics: HRExaminer, Jay Cross, by Jay Cross
In 1959, British scientist/novelist C.P. Snow wrote an essay describing that scientists did not understand the humanities and humanists did not understand science. Half a century later, the world grows more complex everyday and the two cultures have grown further apart.

HRExaminer v4.28

Feature: Communications Channels IV. You’ve figured out which communication channel works best to recruit your candidate. But wait, how much did that hire cost?

Informal Learning In A Nutshell

Topics: Futures, HR Trends, HRExaminer, Jay Cross, by Jay Cross
Workers learn more in the coffee room than in the classroom. Formal learning—classes and workshops—is the source of only 10 to 20 percent of what people learn at work.

HRExaminer v4.14

Is ROI a needless distraction when trying to justify the value of Talent Management? In this week’s feature Marc Effron offers readers an unapologetic approach to Talent Management ROI. Minding Discrimination finds Heather Bussing thinking hard about how we change our minds. In Poor Candidate Experience Declared Illegal Gerry Crispin tips his hat to April Fools and ends with something even more implausible – progress in government. In his post Informal Learning, Jay Cross talks about how to supplement your formal learning process rather than replace it. John Sumser unearths a cornucopia of 5-links to wrap up this issue. Enjoy.

Informal Learning

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, Jay Cross, by Jay Cross
Today’s piece is by long time contributor Jay Cross. He’s the godfather of informal learning. Jay is doing a webinar on April 30 called Making Learning Stick LEARNING IS THAT WHICH enables you to participate successfully in life, at work, and in the groups that matter to you. Informal  learning is the unofficial, unscheduled, impromptu way […]

HRExaminer v.4.02

Heather Bussing’s feature article on How to Avoid Employment Litigation is a 360 degree tour of clear-headed business tactics that might just save your company from legal ruin.

Getting The Work Done

“Work used to be simple. Tasks were mechanical. Things rarely changed. Initial lessons lasted a lifetime. This kind of work has largely been automated or outsourced to places where workers earn very low wages.” – Jay Cross

HRExaminer v.3.33

There’s a lot of engagement snake oil being sold around our industry. While there is some interesting academic work that shows the possibility of broad based team synergies to turbocharge organizational performance, most engaement projects are designed to improve scores on employee satisfaction surveys. Most engagement projects are really fancy happiness pills.

HRExaminer v.3.21

HR Examiner Weekly Edition v 3.21 May 25, 2012 Low Tide for All Jobs “We are not just facing a shortage of information workers. We are also facing a real shortage of people to make things and make things work. And that’s only half the problem. ” – China Gorman Read Now » Learning to […]

Learning to Learn

“Life on earth is faster, faster, faster. We are inundated with information, showered with technological innovation, and pestered by multiple media 24/7. Business is a blur. Life is uncertain.” – Jay Cross