HRExaminer v5.03

This week’s feature is On Being Attractive by John Sumser. Kelly Cartwright, Dr. Todd Dewett, and Heather Bussing cover HR Tech Trends, The Office Press Conference and Glass Ovaries. John Sumser interviews Lisa Jones on HR Examiner Radio. Enjoy!
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4 HR Tech Trends from Buyer & Seller’s Perspective

For all the commentary and coaxing, it is the user that will determine the direction of the technology landscape.

HRExaminer v.4.06

The original notions of how to execute social recruiting bear rethinking. It’s not that Social Recruiting is dead. Its that we haven’t figured out a way to deliver it to the uninitiated (includes John Sumser’s recent presentation on this topic).

Also this week: Kelly Cartwright has Advancing the Gender Agenda: Three Reasons Companies Should Mean Business, Heather Bussing asks some Social Recruiting Questions and John Sumser has Mobile is Free and Five Links: Talent and The Net. Have a great weekend.

Advancing the Gender Agenda: Three Reasons Companies Should Mean Business

“The competition for critical talent, including specialized skills and leadership, remains high. The reason is simple: the talent supply in key areas is not keeping up with demand, and companies must do all they can to boost that supply. ” – Kelly Cartwright

HRExaminer v.3.37

Eleven Nations: A Course in Culture is John Sumser’s HR centric commentary on the book American Nations by Colin Woodard. Woodard identifies his book as a history of the eleven rival regional cultures of North America. In Woodard’s exploration you’ll also find a guide to thinking about whether or not a new employee will mesh with your company and a new way to think about the foundations of your own company culture.

The Evolution of RPO: What’s True and What’s Not?

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, Kelly Cartwright, by Kelly Cartwright
The talent acquisition side of the technology landscape continues to be extremely active, with a stream of new and compelling solutions, particularly in the area of candidate sourcing, mobile applications, e-reference checking and video. 

HRExaminer v.3.11

Earlier this week we published the next evolution in our Top 25 Lists of online influencers. In The Pulse of HR we study HR’s trending topics and then discuss some reactions in More about the Pulse. Kelly Cartwright weighs in on Big Talent, where she discusses the changing talent landscape. Get a glimpse of employee scheduling using voice driven phone applications (that works!) in Voice Based Talent Management and wrap up this week’s issue with an update on the changes Ceridian CEO Stuart Harvey is shaping for their 130,000 HR software customers.

Big Talent

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, HRExaminer, Kelly Cartwright, by Kelly Cartwright
Talent is more available than ever, with global access and high educational standards around the world. At the same time it’s more in demand than ever as the need for skilled talent continues to outstrip its supply.

Workforce analytics: What is there to get?

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, HRExaminer, Kelly Cartwright, by Kelly Cartwright
Many organizations are making incremental advances with workforce analytics to solve specific challenges, but they may not have the resources or universal mandate to make it priority.

HRExaminer v2.13

HR is Female While HR is widely understood to be a difficult place to sell and do business, it's worth considering that the problem lies with the sellers, not the buyers. The uniformity of the profession's angst about salespeople, marketing and vendor performance suggest that there's something really wrong with the way that vendors see […]