HRExaminer v7.22

Topics: HRExaminer, John Sumser, Matt Charney, Radio, Weekly, by John Sumser
US Employers spend roughly $20 billion every year on diversity and inclusion initiatives. Matt Charney wonders if the money being spent is addressing the underlying problem. Read Matt’s article, A Class Act: The Real Diversity Double Standard.

The debate about “Time to Fill” is largely pointless – like TTF or not, it’s here to stay. Read more in Bob Corlett’s post.

On HR Tech Weekly: New federal law on overtime sparks debate, Leap forward for human capital disclosure, Ultimate Software acquisition of Vestrics predictive analytics platform, Entelo Raises $12 million for enterprise data-driven recruiting, and Bias in algorithms. Listen to HR Tech Weekly.

On HRExaminer Radio, John Sumser chats with Dwaine Maltais, the EVP and GM for the US Operations of the talent management platform Technomedia.

Al Adamsen is the Founder & Executive Director of the Talent Strategy Institute. John Sumser talks with Al Adamsen on HRExaminer Radio.


HRExaminer v5.33

You don’t suppose it’s an accident that Engagement emerged as a magic cure all potion in the heart of the downturn? Read more in Engagement Voodoo, this week’s feature by John Sumser. Heather Bussing has a two-part series that explores how irrefutable data like video evidence will change how companies deal with wrongdoing and scandal. Read Data and Unexpected Truth and Dealing with Unexpected Truth. In, Shortages are Regional, John Sumser examines STEM job shortages. On HR Examiner Radio we have two shows: Episode 70 with Guitar Center learning guru Chris Salles, and Episode 69 where John speaks with Dave Martin and Matt Alder, co-founders of Three Sparks Global, a mobile recruitment marketing company. Enjoy!

HRExaminer v5.32

People v. Progress: How HR Tech Breaks Moore’s Law, Matt Charney suggests that while HR may actually be an early technology adopter, it doesn’t mean that HR should avoid some of their ’old school‘ people-centric tactics. John Sumser writes about the job hunter faced with a sea of conflicting number one priorities in, Candidate Experiences: It’s Plural. In her article about discrimination, Diversity: Perception, Inequality, and Blame, Heather Bussing adds another chapter to our discussion on discrimination in society and the workplace. Read Heather’s other articles on discrimination (along with other picks) in this week’s Five Links: Discrimination post. Today at 11AM PDT on the HR Examiner Radio John Sumser speaks with Matt Alder and Dave Martin, co-founders of mobile recruitment marketing firm Three Sparks Global. Enjoy.

People v. Progress: How HR Tech Breaks Moore’s Law

Say what you will about social, mobile and other HR tech trends, but the reality is, this is a different world of work than the one we knew.

HRExaminer v5.04

This week’s feature is Comply Socially, Heather Bussing’s tour de force of advice and links on social media policies and training. Matt Charney joins our Editorial Advisory Board and gets right down to Tuning Out the Conversation on recruiting advice. John Sumser has Five Links on The Rapid Evolution of HR and Tech. We wrap up this week with John’s interview of Heather Bussing on HR Examiner Radio, where they discuss HR policies, emotions at work, and the struggles women have in the workplace. Enjoy.
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Tuning Out the Conversation

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, Matt Charney, by Matt Charney
Matt Charney joins our Editorial Advisory Board and discusses how recruiting trends and advice are typically dictated by marketing agendas and people who haven’t practiced recruiting in years.