HRExaminer v6.24

100th Episode HRExaminer Radio: A conversation between Terry Starr and John Sumser back in 2012 helped trigger John’s venture into online broadcasting. Fast forward to 2015 and The HRExaminer Radio Hour is celebrating the 100th Episode this week with Terry as John’s guest. Listen to Terry Starr in Episode 100 of HRExaminer Radio.

Paul Hebert discusses a special type of employee that could save your company from disaster, read Sentinel Employees. Do you have them? Do you use them?.

William Tincup talks about real life, the kind you never read about on social media. Read William’s article, Of Addiction and Depression.

On Episode 25 of HR Tech Weekly: The Employee Engagement Awards, Uber drivers classified as employees, The evolution of Contingent Workforces, Courses on Demand Foundation Impact Grant recipient, and GlassDoor employee-choice awards for CEO’s.

John Sumser wraps up our weekly edition with, Five Links: New Quantified Employee Tools.


Of Addiction and Depression

Denial is a sworn enemy of recovery. And with depression we hide… the truth, from each other… deniability on so many levels. So how can depression become more acceptable?

HRExaminer v6.09

John Sumser and William Tincup explore the Ideal Vendor Relationship in HR Software in their first published study from KeyInterval Research. Be sure to listen to Episode 86 of HR Examiner Radio where William and John discuss the surprising turns that their research followed.

Is There Recovery After Workplace Drama? Heather Bussing has some thoughts on the matter.

On Episode 9 of HR Tech Weekly Stacey Harris and John Sumser discuss Workday, ADP, Benefitfocus and HRZone.

John wraps up this issue with Five Links From The Future of HR and Recruiting and a riddle about a hose, a nose, and a bulldoze…r.


HRExaminer v4.44

In our feature this week Jeff Dickey-Chasins aka “The Job Board Doctor” reveals What Job Seekers Really Do Online. Doug Shaw joins our Editorial Advisory Board with, Where is the Soul? Heather Bussing reviews The Circle, a new book by Dave Eggers, William Tincup sizes up The Legacy of Arrogance, and John Sumser interviews Allen R. Sockwell on HRExaminer Radio.

The Legacy of Arrogance

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, William Tincup, by William Tincup
Is legacy important? William Tincup views legacy through the eyes of Stewards and Bootstrappers.

HRExaminer v4.21

Feature: When is the right time to invest in mobile? The longer you can wait, the clearer it will get. But can you afford to wait? John Sumser has Five keys to Mobile Recruiting in this week’s feature article on HRExaminer. Also in this issue, William Tincup on Customer Feedback and John interviews Bryan Chaney on HRExaminer Radio.
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Diminished Return and Customer Feedback

Topics: Data, Editorial Advisory Board, HRExaminer, William Tincup, by William Tincup
“No one would ever argue NOT to listen to customers. But sometimes it’s appropriate to change the volume on customer feedback.” -William Tincup

HRExaminer v.3.46

Gamification isn’t a term you want to use in polite society. What’s behind all the noise? John Sumser’s post outlines the central issues in this week’s feature Gamification III.

When Stealing is Okay

Topics: Editorial Advisory Board, William Tincup, by William Tincup
“If you really care about your particular “truly unique” idea and/or thought, give it away.  Gleefully give it away.  Make it easy for folks to consume, borrow and share.” – William Tincup

HRExaminer v.3.32

New ways of working and new ways of thinking about work are everywhere. And yet, no one in the organization is responsible for these tools and techniques. Should HR become the epicenter of The New Architecture of Work?