John Sumser speaks with Laura Baldwin, the President of O’Reilly Media. Laura started at O’Reilly in October 2001 as Chief Financial Officer and added Chief Operating Officer to her responsibilities in October 2004. She became O’Reilly’s first President in March 2011 and is currently responsible for O’Reilly’s businesses worldwide.
John Sumser speaks with Mike Carden, an HR futurist and the co-founder of Joyous, the inventor of Open Employee Feedback. Before Joyous Michael founded performance management software firm Sonar6 and later sold it to Cornerstone OnDemand. A published author, Michael won the Writemark Plain English Award and the Bayer Innovators Award and also crashed a plane into the sea.
In this week’s episode, John Sumser talks with Mike Gioja who is the SVP of IT & Product Development at Paychex. They discuss all of the latest offerings at Paychex and the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic internally at Paychex and on the services they’ve developed to help their clients with COVID-19 in their workforce.
John Sumser talks with Jeanne Achille, Founder and CEO of The Devon Group in their annual pre-HR Tech Conference show. Jeanne chairs the Women in HR Tech Summit at the annual HR Technology Conference & Exposition as well as at the HR Festival Asia in Singapore. Founder and CEO of The Devon Group, Jeanne has more than 25 years of HR technology sales, marketing, and PR experience.
John Sumser talks with Henry Vasquez and Ike Bennion, two leaders from Cornerstone product marketing and strategy. Henry is a full-stack Product Manager with more than 10 years of experience in software development. Ike is a seasoned marketing executive with an extensive background in talent management and learning who handles Product Marketing and Strategy for Cornerstone.
John Sumser speaks with Ken Matos, Ph.D., the Director of People Science at Culture Amp. Ken leads a global team of psychologists and researchers who provide clients with actionable advice on collecting, understanding, and acting on employee feedback. He completed his undergraduate work in psychology at Amherst College, received his master’s in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University, and earned his Ph.D. in I/O Psychology at George Washington University.
John Sumser speaks with David Karandish, the Founder and CEO of Capacity, an enterprise artificial intelligence SaaS company headquartered in St. Louis, MO.
John Sumser speaks with Ben Waber, Ph.D., the president and co-founder of Humanyze, a workplace analytics company. The Humanyze AI platform and Organizational Health Score provide the most comprehensive objective measurement of the workday and group collaboration behaviors. Ben is a visiting scientist at the MIT Media Lab, having previously worked as a senior researcher at Harvard Business School. He received his Ph.D. in organizational science from MIT for his work with Alex “Sandy” Pentland’s Human Dynamics group. Waber’s work has been featured in major media outlets such as HBR, Wired, The Economist, and NPR. He has consulted for industry leaders such as LG, McKinsey and Company, and Gartner on technology trends, social networks, and organizational design. His book, People Analytics, was published by the Financial Times Press in 2013.
John Sumser speaks with Dave Weisbeck, the Chief Strategy Officer at Visier Corporation. Dave Weisbeck’s experience ranges from building development teams to growing multi-billion dollar businesses as a General Manager. Most recently Dave was the SVP and GM responsible for Business Intelligence, Enterprise Information Management, and Data Warehousing at SAP. Dave holds a position on the Advisory Board.
John Sumser speaks with Kelly Robinson, founder and CEO of RedDot Media, a recruitment advertising agency specializing in programmatic advertising. Kelly led organizations over the last 25 years in recruitment and recruitment technology both in the UK and US. Kelly founded Broadbean Inc, which he sold to DMGT and went on to lead the strategic acquisition by CareerBuilder in 2014.
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