photo of field and tree with text ** The Happily Engaged Employee ** v6.05 for February 6, 2015

HRExaminer Weekly Edition v6.05 February 6, 2015

Does Employee Engagement Really Matter? This week Cathy Missildine has an answer that reflects experience, displays balance, and avoids typical HR dogma. How useful.

Heather Bussing adds her latest thoughts to the subject in, The Engagement Answer, and then rounds out the topic with 5 Links: Engagement.

John Sumser shares his notes from a talk by author Shawn Achor about how Happiness Breeds Happiness.

On Episode 83 of HR Examiner Radio John Sumser interviews Tim O’Shea, Product Manager for Lumesse. Enjoy!  

This Week's Articles

Does Employee Engagement Really Matter?Does Employee Engagement Really Matter?
“HR professionals waved the employee engagement flag without understanding how engagement and motivation work.”
- Cathy Missildine
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The Engagement AnswerThe Engagement Answer
“There is pretty much nothing you can do to make employees love work or be happy. You can do all sorts of things to completely make them miserable though.” - Heather Bussing
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5 Links: Engagement5 Links: Engagement
Can you can create a workplace where people feel valued and motivated? Heather Bussing has 5-Links about Employee Engagement.
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Happiness Breeds HappinessHappiness Breeds Happiness
After spending twelve years at Harvard University, Shawn Achor has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success.
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HRExaminer Radio: Episode #83: Tim O’SheaHRExaminer Radio: Episode #83: Tim O’Shea
John Sumser speaks with Tim O’Shea, Product Manager for Lumesse.
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photo of door with letter opening and number 5 in article 5-Links on How Things Work by John Sumser published July 1, 2014
5 Links: Engagement

Can you can create a workplace where people feel valued and motivated? Heather Bussing has 5-Links about Employee Engagement.
