Bryan Wempen

Topics: , by John Sumser

Rank » 20th
Bryan is an HR Expert, currently Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of PeopleClues which is a global assessment provider specializing in making the Candidate Experience and HR technology applications “better”. Founder of “DriveThruHR” Show is the #1 Internet Radio show for Human Capital Management/Human Resources/Talent Management. Prior to joining PeopleClues® in August 2008, Bryan was a Partner with Reliant Live which is an HR Technology and Consultancy focused on improving employee selection and retention for their clients.

Current Job(s):
  • Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer for PeopleClues®
  • Founder/Co-host of DriveThruHR Show
Behavioral Interview, Risk management, employee absence management, employee behavior, employee mentoring, leadership coaching, Career performance management, qualified candidate, Performance improvement, job analysis, Personality Testing, HR Metrics, Interview question, leadership development, talent management, management training, employee performance, employee engagement, engaged employees, Executive Development, company culture, applicant tracking, americans with disabilities, benefit communication, age discrimination, Training Development, benefits package, Recruiting, HR,

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