Robin E. Shea

Topics: , by John Sumser

Rank » 22nd
Robin Shea is a partner with leading national labor and employment law firm Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP. She specializes in Employment litigation prevention and defense, including all federal anti-discrimination laws and state law tort claims; defense of wage-hour class and collective actions; affirmative action compliance; and employment law training. Robin is also editor in chief of Constangy’s client publications and its blog, Employment & Labor Insider.

Current Job(s):
  • Partner at Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP
Employment brand, Customer Career employee, Employee wellness, Time Keeping, emotional intelligence, Independent Contractors, Competencies, Social search, social learning, confidentiality agreement, dress code, Strategic Planning, age discrimination, employee engagement, employee benefit, drug test, Social Media, Employment law, benefit management, Care Management, collective bargaining, company wellness, benefit administration, americans with disabilities,

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