Behind The Numbers

This week we cover a popular topic about popular people - online influencers. We're honored to feature Kelly Cartwright's reaction to our latest Top 25 List for Talent Management. Right on the heels of her article on influence is John Sumser's Top 100 Influencer Profile of Kelly. Next, we crunch the numbers with a piece called Measurement Is The Problem and finish by rounding up the highlights from the HRDemo show, including the show winner and much more.

Tops in Online Influence ~ HRExaminer v1.46 for December 24, 2010

Table of Contents

Feature | Talent Management Influencers’ List: Add a Grain of Salt for Flavor


Top 100 v 1.74 Kelly Cartwright


Measurement is the Problem


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In The Know v 1.45 HRDemo Roundup
