Talent Management ROI

Is ROI a needless distraction when trying to justify the value of Talent Management? In this week’s feature Marc Effron offers readers an unapologetic approach to Talent Management ROI.

Minding Discrimination finds Heather Bussing thinking hard about how we change our minds. In Poor Candidate Experience Declared Illegal Gerry Crispin tips his hat to April Fools and ends with something even more implausible - progress in government. In his post Informal Learning, Jay Cross talks about how to supplement your formal learning process rather than replace it. John Sumser unearths a cornucopia of 5-links to wrap up this issue. Enjoy.

Talent Management ROI ~ HR Examiner Weekly Edition v 4.14 April 5, 2013

HR Examiner v4.14 April 5 , 2013


Table of Contents

Talent Management ROI (Ridiculously Overwrought Insecurity) by Marc Effron


Five Links: Cornucopia


Informal Learning by Jay Cross


Minding Discrimination by Heather Bussing


Poor Candidate Experience Declared Illegal by Gerry Crispin


Events and More