

We continue our coverage of The HRExaminer 2020 Watchlist today with the second of twelve organizational profiles. The entire list of organizations appearing on this year’s Watchlist can be seen on our introductory Watchlist post located here. Each of the twelve companies we’ve selected this year represent a different value proposition and core functionality across the entire spectrum of the industry.

These outfits are pushing the boundaries out. Individually, they each have a specific value proposition that was not conceivable even three years ago.

Primary Business & Award Category

Primary Business: Identifying engagement variance by examining internal digital exhaust
Award Category: Cultural Management Tools



Company: KeenCorp B.V.
Size: 20 Employees
Age: 8 years
Location: The Netherlands
Web Address: KeenCorp.com
Phone: +31 10 218 8 760
Email address: info@keencorp.com



Company Description

KeenCorp is a uniquely Dutch company focused on identifying variations in group tension and organizational cohesion around the organization. By analyzing email content and other digital communications, the company is able to identify ‘hot spots’ in need of attention. The underlying idea is that significant variations in employee sentiment in a particular department are signs of impending trouble in other areas.

Why This Matters

Almost all engagement assessment tools treat engagement as the end rather than the means. With relatively fixed definitions and a survey backbone, the industry standard tools face rearward. They examine slices in time after the fact.

The other problem with most engagement assessment tools is that they depend on an instrument for their investigation. You have to complete a survey of some kind. That process is built on a coerce power imbalance. ‘Management wants to know’ uniformly produces the answers that management wants to hear.

The idea that engagement measures can be teased from a network-based analysis of group tension and organizational cohesion is what separates KeenCorp from the rest. Their theory is that at some level every communication contains an expression of engagement.

KeenCorp built their tool as an early warning system. The original goal was to deliver a tool that would tell leadership when there was a disturbance in the system. The claim is that important shifts in mood are the precursors of organizational trouble. The tool allows the user to spot areas of interest and further investigation.

This is the coming way of operating a business. Many things that have been left untended are actually organizational health and safety issues. KeenCorp is one of the first to market with a tool that allows management to discover potential problems in advance.


Get the Full Report


image showing the cover of HRExaminer Report called The 2020 Index of Intelligent Tools in HR Technology

All of the Watchlist profiles appear
alongside our full analysis of
AI in HR Tech in our new 119 page
report, The 2020 Index of Intelligent
Tools in HR Technology: The Birth
of HR as a Systems Science.

Learn more about our
full report HERE »

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The HRExaminer 2020 Watchlist: HiredScore — Data Driven Sourcing Technology

This is the second of twelve organizational profiles appearing on The HRExaminer 2020 Watchlist. Founded in 2012, Athena Karp’s HiredScore...
