William Tincup appears on HR Examiner as part of books on influence seriesEditor’s Note: This is part of our Books as Influencer’s Series.  As always, William Tincup approaches things in his own unique way.  And if you get a chance to have a conversation with William, take it.

Three Conversations by William Tincup

I can’t tell you what I’ve read this year… it’s been a blur… 2011, the year of the whiz bang, fly by, brain fucked on X… the social media headache, ahem addiction.  Truthfully, I have a Google reader account with over 1000 blog subscriptions and I haven’t logged in since early 2010.  I consume content these days via social… via my newsfeed… in Facebook, in Linkedin, in Twitter, etc. etc. etc.  Again, I’m not sure entirely what I have read, when I read it, did I dream it and/or think about dreaming about it.  My guess is that I’m like you.  It’s a hazy, unclear world we live in.

Adding to my content conundrum, I’ve been lucky as I’ve had thousands of conversations this year… all these inputs, not enough folders to make sense of it all… it’s like my brain is main-lining Adderall.  Whew… calm down… disconnect.  Get away from it all… at least for 10 minutes.  Good luck with that strategy William.

No, I’m not crazy… we’re not crazy… this is our new normal.  Where conversations… both audial and narrative come together as one in our mouse brains.  Fused inputs.  Not sure of the roots, not sure of where it all leads.

You know, conversations are like art for me… some art provokes us… some art is good but not great… some art will always languish in mediocrity. Some art challenges us; some art inspires us… while other art frustrates the shit out of us.  And, some art should never see the light of day.

Three conversations that stand out for me in 2011…

Dwane Lay || Dwane made me rethink my position regarding supply chain.  Prior to Dwane, I thought supply chain and the concept of lean had absolutely no effin place in or around HR.  I was wrong.  Dwane is an expert in lean HR.  Thank goodness I got to meet him and/or hear his message.  His ideas on how HR can be more effective / efficient are ground breaking.  Period.  Check him out.  Blog || LinkedIN || Twitter

Daniel Crosby, Ph.D. || Like most of you, I thought all Ph.D.’s were spinless assholes.  Turns out, again, I was wrong.  By meeting with and listening to Daniel… I’ve come to understand the error of my ways.  His ideas on organizational effectiveness rock.  And, he cares about marketing / brand.  And, he’s got a great voice, etc.  He’s a good guy and he has great, innovative ideas on how HR gets better.  Check him out.  Blog || LinkedIN || Twitter

Joe Gerstandt || Never in a million zillion years did I think a straight white guy would school me on anything diversity related.  Actually, who the fuck listens to a white guy talk about diversity?  Well, I do.  He is the most compelling voice in diversity and inclusion today.  Trust me, he’ll make you think… and it will hurt.  Thank goodness I got the chance to hang with him in 2011.  Check him out.  Blog || LinkedIN || Twitter

So, here’s the thing… we’re all busy… reading, sharing, thinking, talking, writing, etc.  Do me a personal favor and check these folks out.  And, think of the three conversations that meant something to you this year.  Ahhh, I can’t wait to open the package that is 2012.  What art, ahem conversations await me…

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