Five Links 161022

Topics: HRExaminer, John Sumser, by John Sumser

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This week, John’s links cover the gig economy, finding a job that doesn’t exist, Predictive analytics in healthcare, the technology behind Workday’s apps, and how many formulas should you learn.

  • Tracking the gig economy: New Numbers
    “debates have flared over the true size and significance of the sector. Some skeptics, by way of aggregate self-employment statistics, conclude that “proof of the revolution…is hard to find.” Others have worked directly with platform company data or leveraged other proprietary information to assess the size and nature of online gigging. Overall, these national analyses have tended to describe a small but rapidly growing realm of platform-enabled freelancing. So far, though, the findings have yet to be extended to city-by-city estimates of growth or comparisons of activity across metro areas.”

    This is from Brookings and is a clear articulation of the realities of the gig economy.

  • How do you get a job that doesn’t exist yet?
    How to do the career version of skating to where the puck is going to be. Consider this to be an antidote to the jobless future.
  • Predictive Analytics in Healthcare 2016 Survey
    Good read if you are trying to understand operational analytics, particularly acquiring, scheduling and staffing the nursing workforce. Worth giving them your name.
  • EVP of Development Explains Technology behind Workday’s Innovative Applications
    Beyond the predictable bluster, this is a good look at the benefits of using a single codebase, object oriented development process. Watch the video to get a sense of the state of the art in technology oriented marketing. Very important to note that Ceridian also uses this approach.
  • How many formulas should you learn?
    Whether or not innumeracy is a fundamental issue in HR, you cannot escape the need to know these basic tools if you are going to communicate in a data environment.

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