HRx Big Ideas Radio: On Wednesday mornings, John interviews the people whose ideas are shaping the industry. Academics, authors, strategists, and ground breaking practitioners stop by to tell their stories.

HRx Big Ideas Radio: On Wednesday mornings, John Sumser interviews the people whose ideas are shaping the industry. Academics, authors, strategists, and ground breaking practitioners stop by to tell their stories.

HRx Big Ideas Radio

Topic: Art & Work with & Guest: Doug Shaw
Episode: 25
Air Date: July 19, 2017



Guest Bio: Doug Shaw After a 12 year career in sales, corporate social responsibility, and Organizational Development in BT, Doug set up his own consultancy in 2009. His current work uses the arts as a lens through which to explore problem solving, cooperation, resilience, and more. Doug’s work takes him around the UK, Europe, USA, Middle East and Australia with a diverse range of organizations. His arts based learning project was a finalist at the 2016 Learning Awards, and his free art project recently won a community award and grant, and has been featured on the ITV evening news.



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