Great New Demos - by John Sumser - HRExaminer

Here's who we've been talking to this week.

Great New Demos

Here’s who we’ve been talking to this week.

  • HireVue Presents CodeVue
    Finally, one of the video interviewing players demonstrates that they get that it has to be about more than video. Video itself is free. That means that the video interviewing players all have to scramble to identify the real value add. HireVue hit this one out of the park. CodeVue is a method for scoring code and validating the identity of the person who generated it. Home Run.
  • When I Work
    This Minneapolis based startup is gaining ground at the ultra low end of the scheduling market. Simple but effective functionality make it a great candidate for the sub 100 employee universe. It’s surprisingly robust with a mobile app that includes the ability to get shift info with a simple SMS interaction. With 1,000 paying customers and no meaningful debt, these guys might just surprise you.
  • CareerCloud
    This is the next act for serial entrepreneur Chris Russell. The core idea in its first incarnation is to give job hunters a way to assemble their social resume. By collecting all inputs form all social media sources into a single ‘document’, CareerCloud gives job hunters the ability to showcase their range and to signal that it’s okay to look at their social media stuff. Expect to see consistent progress on this one.

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