Here comes the Top 25 HR Digital Influencers for 2010

This week's HRExaminer Magazine features the Top 25 HR Digital Influencers plus insights on SaaS, HR Engagement, Social Media, a search for the elusive passive candidate and a last chance to attend a free webinar today with cloud computing experts. Get a fresh copy of HRExaminer every Friday by subscribing here.

SaaS WebinarLAST CHANCE – Free Webinar Today, November 19th from 12:30pm-1:15pm Eastern. You’ll learn how to avoid the biggest pitfalls in selecting HR software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Join three of the world's top HR cloud computing experts in a panel moderated by HRO Today’s Jay Whitehead. Click Here For Free Signup

Feature | Top 25 Online Influencers in HR (2010)

Top 25 HR Digital InfluencersThis week we feature The new 2010 Top 25 HR Digital Influencers. These individuals are dominating online publishing and conversation. A year ago, we started our experiment in the ranking of influencers in online HR and the change on the list in one year is dramatic. Many of the people who were prominent in our analysis a year ago have reduced their output, shifted their focus or changed their jobs. They fell off of the list, replaced by new voices with the ability to sustain routine publishing. So who is leading the online dialog today? Find Out Now

In Search of The Passive Candidate
In Search Of The Passive Candidate I recently received a piece of email for a sourcing conference that teaches people how to find passive candidates. Tired of debunking this ridiculous notion, I went out to lunch at a local pub in search of a physical unit. After looking high and low, I realized that passive candidates probably all bring their lunch to work. So, I wandered into a modest three story office building and hunted through the cubicles for a passive job hunter. I found him, curled in a fetal position, snoring through his lunch. More…

Social Media at Work - Who Owns the Content?

Who Owns The Content asks Heather Bussing When a company hires someone to blog, tweet and set up a Facebook page, who owns the content and contacts that are developed as part of that work? The answer lies at the intersection of copyright, employment and contract law. Read this post to learn critical information you must know to survive in today's social economy More…

Avoiding Di-SaaS-ter

Avoidind Di-SaaS-ter If you are in the market for HR Technology, it's an odds on bet that you're looking at Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Most vendors are making some form of claim that their offerings involve SaaS. The definitions vary widely. SaaS makes all sorts of wonderful things possible. But, it's early in the life cycle of this new approach. Successful customers understand that they are long term renters and not mortgage holders. More…

In the Know v1.42 Engagement

In The Know Engagement v1.42 You may not have noticed but they make fun of HR people behind their backs. HR people think orthogonally to the rest of the business. They speak differently. Historically they focus on processes and not results. They worry about compliance and misunderstand performance. They use weird language. This year's HR buzzword is Engagement. Oh boy! More…


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In the Know v1.42 Engagement

You may not have noticed but they make fun of HR people behind their backs. HR people think orthogonally to...
